Need analysis Reports
The Need analysis Reports represent valid informative tools, based on interviews conducted in the local communities of the partner countries of MigratED project. They have been the source on which both the methodological guidelines and the trainings and capacity building activities for educators and teachers have been designed.
In 2018, more than 400 organizations were mapped by MigratED partners, informed about project objectives and foreseen activities, and invited to take part to a needs assessment analysis. Reports have been produced both at national level in each partner country and at European level.
As a general result of this needs assessment analysis, the following recommendations have been extracted:
● Need to support teachers and professionals with innovative methodologies applied to Global Citizenship Education (GCE) themes;
● Need to develop new didactic approaches for the daily and practical use of digital technologies as a tool to deal with GCE in formal and non-formal education settings;
● Need to allow participants to share good and creative practices on the use of digital technologies for GCE;
● Need to promote a multidisciplinary and combined methodologic approach.
Methodological Guidelines for Teachers and Educators
The methodological guidelines “Global Citizenship and Multimedia”, available in five languages, are addressed to teachers and educators all across Europe.The objective is to strengthen and systematize the effectiveness of global citizenship education through the use of new technologies, within and outside the school context. All the organizations involved in MigratED project have participated in a joint effort to create these guidelines, in order to face the growing culture of hate in Europe.
The aim is to provide theoretical basis and specific tools that can be used directly in educational activities, to promote critical thinking and the active involvement of young people in topics such as human rights, migration, climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. Both the theoretical and practical sections have been laid out starting from the good practices already tested in several European countries, and the proposed educational methodologies intend to foster technology as an inclusive tool, therefore as an incentive for participation and dialogue between different cultures.
The guidelines are useful for teachers, educators and anyone involved in formal, informal and non-formal education of Europe’s younger generations.
Factsheets and Policy Briefs
After the first phase of monitoring the key policy processes in each country, the partner organizations have produced working papers, exploring policy solutions and providing source materials for policy briefings informing policy makers and institutions.
Within the MigratED advocacy campaign, all consortium members have organized lobbying activities on these issues, addressed to local, national and European stakeholders, deepening the main actions needed to find a framework and shared solutions.
Within the MigratED project, each partner has realised 2 factsheets/policy briefs, presented during national and international conferences, improving the dialogue with national, EU and MS political decision makers. Moreover, some partners have elaborated further researches and advocacy documents, including a final Brief Analysis Report prepared by the lead organisation, which summarizes the main good practices, learning outcomes and transferable elements of the overall project.
We consider the promotion of these documents essential to raise awareness and to find support for political decisions, which improve the framework conditions, and regulations for GCE policies and frameworks for digital tools as forms of inclusive learning.
Factsheet on GCE – Action Aid Hellas
4Change Factsheet_ GCE_EN
4Change Factsheet_ IT&inclusive ed_EN
AAH Factsheet GCE_EN
AAH Factsheet GCE_GR
AAH Factsheet Inclusive ed_EN
AAH Factsheet Inclusive ed_GR
AAH Policy Brief For Education_EN
AAH Policy Brief For Education_GR
FWC Fact sheet GCE_EN
FWC Factsheet Inclusive education_EN
SLOGA Policy brief_GCE_EN
SLOGA Policy brief_GCE_SI
WeWorld Policy Brief Civic education_EN
WeWorld Policy Brief GCE _EN
WeWorld Policy Brief GCE_ITA
WeWorld Policy Brief Civic education_ITA
Final Brief Analysis Report – MigratED Apr 2021