PHASE 1: Training of teachers and educators
Period: February 2018 – October 2019
1. Assessment of learning needs of teachers and educators
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: WeWorld-GVC and all partners
Description: The assessment starts with the mapping of scholastic and educational projects run in each partner country within schools/educational institutes/youth centers on migrations, development and fundamental rights and on digital tools for education. This assessment identifies the perceptions regarding the necessity to strengthen awareness on these themes, in order to outline gaps and/or to intervene in support of intercultural education or GCE within the educational communities, by using technology as teaching tools.
2. Publication of methodological guidelines and development of educational material
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: Municipality of Bologna and all partners
Description: Starting with the results of the needs assessments conducted in each country, the guidelines “Global Citizenship and Multimedia” are redacted for the staging of international and national trainings, held for teachers and educators. Divided in 8 chapters, they include both theoretical knowledge and good educational practices on GCE issues and their link with the use of technology; the Guidelines are published and disseminated online in order to achieve a wider public within the educational community.
3. International training of trainers and national trainings
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: WeWorld-GVC, Municipality of Bologna and all partners
Description: International Training of Trainers is carried out in Bologna, gathering around 40 professionals in formal and non-formal education setting and trained on managing diversity in education; media and digital tools in GCE; climate change, sustainable development and migrations in education; media literacy and participatory video in education. As a continuation of the international Training of Trainers, each partner organization realizes National Training courses for educators and teachers of the different EU local context, on migration, human rights, media education and multimedia tools for teaching, with a specific focus on Participatory Videos as a tool for inclusive learning.
PHASE 2: Fostering students and youngsters’ intercultural competences and critical thinking skills
Period: November 2019 – June 2020
4. Media Education Workshops and events
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: 4Change and all partners
Description: The Media literacy workshops addressed to youngsters in each country, and especially engaging class and groups composed by national and foreign young people, in order to promote intercultural dialogue. The need is to raising awareness and educate about a correct use of media and digital tools, starting from the participants’ interests and habits and deepening some GCE issues. These workshops are the first step for the production of participatory research and video production; on the other hand, they are the starting point for the organization of public events in which the young participants themselves are the key players of an awareness raising campaign on the issues of media, human rights and migration.
5. Participatory videos and researches
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: 4Change and all partners
Description: Following the workshops, in each country, different focus groups of young people are created in order to produce participatory videos on the GCE issues (interculturality, diversity, migrations, human rights…) collectively. These videos, as well as the participatory researches conducted by youngsters, are based on the real life experience of youth, and aim to create a collaborative process of production of audio-visual materials, empowering them and stimulating their critical thinking on both the use of media and the social problems of their local contexts.
PHASE 3: Awareness raising campaign for more inclusive schools through global citizenship education and multimedia tools
Period: July 2020 – April 2021
6. Web-documentary and online platform
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: ActionAid Hellas, COFAC and all partners
Description: The webdocumentary “The communities we want – the voice of youth on human rights and migration” is based on the assemblage of the participatory videos and other audiovisiual materials produced in each country. Organized by the team of the University of Lusofona with the support of all partners, it is available in 5 languages and it is hosted on the Webplatfom. The different stories told by the youngsters and emerged in each country create message common narrative in the Webdoc: the encounter and sharing among European young people and migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.
7. Communication and advocacy campaign
Country of activity: Italy, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia
Implementing organization: ActionAid Hellas, WeWorld-GVC and all partners
Description: The last activities of the MigratED project foresee an awareness raising campaign at national and EU level, implemented both in the digital world and with specific national and international events. The digital communication campaign aims to disseminate all the materials produced in the different activities, giving voice primarily to the young generation involved. Each organization participates and organizes awareness raising and advocacy events, addressed to the educational community, and to local, national and European institutional stakeholders. These two communication and advocacy campaigns culminate in two pillar moments of the project:
1. The international preview for the Webdoc, which takes place on the Terra di Tutti Film Festival in October 2020 in Bologna and on the parallel screening events that the partners hold simultaneously in other countries.
2. The final international conference of the project, to present the results and the political demands of the partner organizations, involving international stakeholders and policy makers.