WeWorld-GVC Onlus
WeWorld-GVC is an independent Italian organization born from the merger between GVC NGO (constituted in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld Foundation (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of their Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in 29 countries worldwide, including Italy.
The organization works to promote recognition and respect of the fundamental rights of every human being, fighting poverty, injustice and generating sustainable and durable socio-economic growth models.
WeWorld-GVC also promotes educational activities and awareness raising and advocacy campaigns in Italy and Europe, seeking a change in public opinion’s attitude towards global and active citizenship, to expand a culture of human rights, peace and solidarity.

Municipality of Bologna. Ri.E.Sco – CDLEI
CDLEI is an Intercultural Documentation Centre of the Municipality of Bologna (Education, Teaching and New Generation Department). The Centre was born in 1992 as a joint inter-institutional initiative of the Municipality, Province, Local Education Office and University of Bologna (Department of Education); it has specific expertise on intercultural education with preschool services and schools (primary and secondary), training of teachers and equal opportunity services for ethnic minority students and pupils.
Its mission of enhancing and protecting intercultural dialogues is proved by its several activities, among which: assistance to teachers on intercultural topics thanks to counseling, trainings, and newly documented intercultural teaching paths; the promotion of Italian language courses for foreign adults, as well as for all the schools of Bologna; cultural mediation for newly arrived children, students and their parents; the implementation of Local Action Plan against Discrimination adopted by the Municipality of Bologna.
Via Ca’ Selvatica, 7, 40123 Bologna BO
C.S.A.P.S.A. Due
C.S.A.P.S.A Due Centro Studi Analisi Psicologie e Sociologie Applicate Due ONLUS is a no profit organisation working in the socio-educational area, prevention and rehabilitation, risks of deviance and social exclusion of young people. The organisation’s mission is to pursue the general interest of the community in promoting human and social integration of citizens through the management of socio-sanitary and educational services. Thus, pedagogues, professional educators, and psychologists undertake trainings and refresher courses in order to gain periodic and specific updates in pedagogical and psychological fields.
C.S.A.P.S.A Due is working in the youth sector with different projects: 1) school and training vocational guidance; 2) 10 youth centres; 3) outreach education in disadvantage areas; 4) 4 apartments for welcoming of unaccompanied minor; 5) 3 educational communities for minors 6) 1 apartment for care leavers.
4Change is a non-profit cooperative (NGDO) founded in 2005 to contribute to global citizenship education and the capacity building of the social sector. 4Change’s approach is based on a more participatory, transparent and inclusive set of tools and practices – and we have experience on global citizenship, local development, and communication for development/advocacy projects (local, national and international), as well as capacity building and social impact management of projects and programmes.
We use tools as civic media literacy, the theory of change, photovoice, and others, to engage the people we work with, either young people in schools, seniors in neighbourhoods or other stakeholders for social impact management of projects, programmes, and processes. In Portugal, we coordinate with Universidade Lusófona the MigratED project in 4 schools.
Rua do Conde de Redondo 145 – 3º, 1150-104 Lisboa
ULHT / CICANT – The Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies results from the combined efforts of faculty of the School of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Information Technologies (ECATI) of Lusófona University towards the goal of creating a unit which allows for the integration and harnessing of the research activities conducted within it. CICANT is geared towards innovative and interdisciplinary research in the field of communication and media research, promoting theoretical and applied research in its three main subject areas: Media Technologies and Literacies (MTL); Media, Society and Culture (MSC); and Media Arts and Creative Industries (MACI).
Centro de Produção, Campo Grande 388, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal
ActionAid Hellas
ActionAid is an independent, international organization that has been working since 1972, with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustice.
Through education, collective action and solidarity, ActionAid brings real change to the lives of the most marginalized people. It supports people to rely on their own power to claim a life of dignity. It helps local communities take action to hold their governments accountable, and joins forces together with local organizations to advocate against policies and practices that perpetuate poverty and social injustice.
ActionAid Hellas was founded in 1998. In Greece, it supports children, teenagers, and adults that are financially challenged, through a local community center called Epikentro. This community center is located in the Municipality of Athens and supports vulnerable families through programs against social and economic exclusion.
Leoforos Mesogeion 204,15561 Cholargos, Athens, Greece

KARPOS was founded in Athens, in 2008 to gather competencies and ideas in the field of Media and Education. Karpos develops local and European projects encouraging expression and exchange of views and creative ideas through the use of media, according to the belief that, in a society crammed with images, these tools can empower both young and adult citizens to participate in social transactions and bring forward their own alternative voices. Following its experience with the national wide MELINA Project for the Arts in Education (1996-2004) and the European project Children in Communication about Migration (2002-04), Karpos collaborates with various organizations for teacher training in Media Education, proving how media, image, and sound can develop narratives and how they can be introduced in educational environments. KARPOS promotes hands-on and participatory learning through the media workshops it runs for adults and youth groups in and outside schools, in collaboration with teachers, libraries and parents.
Politechniou 12, 104 33 Athens, Greece
Future Worlds Center
Future Worlds Center is an NGO based in Cyprus, active in implementing projects with a future orientation whose aim is to bring about positive social change and to encourage social entrepreneurship. FWC is an incubator of social entrepreneurs who envision, design, and implement projects promoting the culture of co-existence, human rights, and peace, using methods grounded in the latest methodologies, technologies, the science of dialogic design, and democratic dialogue. The Global Education Unit in FWC promotes and supports active global citizenship through local, European, and global initiatives. By working closely with youngsters and educators, through intercultural dialogue, discussion groups with youth and youth leaders from all communities in Cyprus, and workshops with pupils on how to take action for change, the Unit supports the public in their active citizenship skills and in planning and implementing their own actions.
B18 36, Egkomi 2360, Cyprus

SLOGA is a development NGO network bringing together 38 Slovenian NGOs active in the field of International Development Cooperation, Global Education and Humanitarian Aid. As an umbrella organization, SLOGA mostly focuses on advocacy, capacity development, awareness-raising, and information service activities. In addition to SLOGA’s advocacy activities in the field of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, SLOGA is the national coordinator of the Global Education Week (an initiative of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe). In 2015, it has initiated the establishment of the so-called Coalition 2030, to promote Slovenia’s responsibility in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. Since 2015, SLOGA has been engaged as the coordinator of an informal NGO coalition working on migration, refugee and integration issues, in the attempt to assure a coherent and coordinated response to issues confronting Slovenia. SLOGA is an active member of CONCORD Europe and Forus International (as national NGDO network).
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia